Sprout: Designing Expressivity for Robots Using Fiber-Embedded Actuator

In this paper, we explore how soft robotics techniques can help create a new form of robot expression. We present Sprout, a soft expressive robot that conveys its internal states by changing its body shape. Sprout can extend, bend, twist, and expand using fiber-embedded actuators integrated into its construction. These deformations enable Sprout to express its internal states, for example, by expanding to express anger and bending its body sideways to express curiosity. Through two user studies, we investigated how users interpreted Sprout’s expressions, their perceptions of Sprout, and their expectations from future iterations of Sprout’s design. We argue that the use of soft actuators opens a novel design space for robot expressions to convey internal states, emotions, and intent.

Read the full article at: https://peopleandrobots.wisc.edu/publications/Sprout-Designing-Expressivity-for-Robots-Using-Fiber-Embedded-actuator/