Politis, A., B. Mutlu, L. Turkstra, and M. Duff. “Psychological Distress and Communication Challenges in Adults With TBI”. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 99, no. 11, Elsevier, 2018.
To describe the relationship between self-reported psychological distress and communication problems in adults with TBI.
article{Politis_2018, doi = {10.1016/j.apmr.2018.08.057}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.apmr.2018.08.057}, year = 2018, month = {nov}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {99}, number = {11}, pages = {e146}, author = {Adam Politis and Bilge Mutlu and Lyn Turkstra and Melissa Duff}, title = {Psychological Distress and Communication Challenges in Adults With {TBI}}, journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation} }